

From the outset of this collaboration we have been committed to ‘exchanges’ at multiple levels: between themselves; between disciplines; with the student participants; and also to attempt to create exchanges with the people of San Jose de Payamino.


In October 2009 a package of two specifically produced photographic prints ‘Payamino Patterns’ (part 1 pictured above) was sent to each household in the community. This will be followed up with a spanish language website documenting EX... which will provide the opportunity for members of the community to respond and interact with the exhibition.


The Hunterian Zoology museum is an ideal place to show EX... It is the hub of zoology teaching with the University of Glasgow, as well as having displays which systematically arrange representatives of the animal kingdoms. Such a setting throws into relief how we - as humans in a scientific setting - place and represent other species. The artwork in EX... provides a point of reflection within the museum, encouraging further exchanges.


The exhibition could not have gone ahead without the generous support of the Frederik Soddy Trust, Dr. Strewart White, Maggie Reilly of the Hunterian Zoology Museum. Thanks also to Dr Leah Gibbs and others at the University of Glasgow who have supported the project.




// EX..changes


Please visit our Exchanges blog and let us know what you thought about the exhibition, the idea, the output or anything else you'd like to start conversation about. 



Forest leaf, Martin Muir © 2009